Thursday, March 30, 2017

Weekend Fun: Seafood, Music and Soccer, Oh My!

Now is the time I feel lucky to live in Florida (although, not when I turn on the news...people in FL are cuckoo). The weather is amazing...beautiful, sunny days that aren't too hot but not too chilly, either.

This past weekend some of my friends and I went to the Seafood and Music Festival that was practically in my backyard. It was such a great time!

A little kid, maybe 5yrs old, started the Bob Marley song, "One Love," acapella and it was so cute, I thought my head was going to spin right off and explode. Then, he proceeded to sit at the front of the stage and play a bongo drum, LIKE A FREAKIN' BOSS! The picture doesn't show him, but just trust me...the cuteness was completely overwhelming.

Then, as if I didn't already have enough fun for one human in a day, I went to the season opening game for the Tampa Bay Rowdies. Not only was it the season opening game, but it was the first game in their new conference. The stadium was as packed as I've ever seen it and just as fun as every other game I've attended. It helped that the Rowdies won, too!!

I'm a lucky chic...I realize...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


It's been a while & much has happened. I've experienced some significant transitions, recently. The most significant is that I moved from the first place I ever lived in FL. I only moved about 3 miles (stay tuned for pictures from the new place 😊) but it was still oddly emotional. I was extremely confused & taken aback by the emotion. I've lived in different States before, moved a ton, but never had this sort of reaction when moving. It was super weird.

Over the past few years, I've wanted to rid myself of "stuff." In every room, I have so much that I don't use or need...but I tell myself, I *might* use it one day. Well, I have a job, if I need it one day, I can go and buy it; it'll probably be a better model or product by then, anyway! So, I've been slowly de-cluttering for a while, but REALLY got brutal about tossing/donating/selling things when I began packing to move. Now, as I unpack, I gave myself a goal: toss/donate/sell 2-5 items from each box I unpack. So far, I'm exceeding that goal and it feels pretty sweet...not gonna lie.

Today, as I ran across this information about donating clothing.

Did you know that retail stores will take your donations & reward you? H&M gives you 15% off! Levis will give a $5 to the Salvation Army and there are others, too. How amazing is that? You can rid your life of clutter, get perks and potentially, help others? That sounds like a solid win/win to me kiddos!!