Tuesday, March 28, 2017


It's been a while & much has happened. I've experienced some significant transitions, recently. The most significant is that I moved from the first place I ever lived in FL. I only moved about 3 miles (stay tuned for pictures from the new place 😊) but it was still oddly emotional. I was extremely confused & taken aback by the emotion. I've lived in different States before, moved a ton, but never had this sort of reaction when moving. It was super weird.

Over the past few years, I've wanted to rid myself of "stuff." In every room, I have so much that I don't use or need...but I tell myself, I *might* use it one day. Well, I have a job, if I need it one day, I can go and buy it; it'll probably be a better model or product by then, anyway! So, I've been slowly de-cluttering for a while, but REALLY got brutal about tossing/donating/selling things when I began packing to move. Now, as I unpack, I gave myself a goal: toss/donate/sell 2-5 items from each box I unpack. So far, I'm exceeding that goal and it feels pretty sweet...not gonna lie.

Today, as I ran across this information about donating clothing.


Did you know that retail stores will take your donations & reward you? H&M gives you 15% off! Levis will give a $5 to the Salvation Army and there are others, too. How amazing is that? You can rid your life of clutter, get perks and potentially, help others? That sounds like a solid win/win to me kiddos!!

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